When I was in high school, I had a pretty rough time because I was different from most other kids. This ranged from my mannerisms to my interests, which included among other things, music, history, and things that were unusual. Around this time, I discovered the paranormal as a result of dabbling briefly in Wicca and seeing a few things seemingly “work”. I started reading whatever I could get my hands on about the paranormal and eventually discovered several resources online to continue my study of this underappreciated area of study.

Once I started looking into the paranormal, I started looking for things to investigate near where I lived. After reading up on it for over two years, I finally found something to investigate. Conveniently enough, my cousin knew of a house that had paranormal activity that he had once lived in. After a few discussions, a sleepover was arranged and we did a crude investigation. From this investigation came multiple realizations, both from evidence gathered and from psychic impressions that were backed up by questions answered by my cousin.

  1. There was a well underneath the causeway between the old house and the trailer that had been attached. (psychic impression verified by cousin)
  2. That a child had died in the well or was thrown in there after death. (psychic impression only)
  3. We had a few photos show up with odd anomalies, including one that appeared to have a face in the wallpaper that showed up only on the digital photo.

Unfortunately, this was a time when digital photos were not high quality, and we did not catch any kind of EVP. We did get some odd anomalies with what appears to be light orbs and a face in the photo. The photos with the orbs and lights in them were taken in a dark room with no flash and nothing reflective around, even the windows were covered.

So, take a look for yourself and see what you think about this private residence that is no longer standing in Hunnewell, MO.